Findes det online, kan Paul finde det
Research-guru Paul Myers vender tilbage til spadestikskonferencen.
Han er en af de mest benyttede oplægsholdere på konferencer verden over, når det gælder research på nettet. Han har arbejdet med det siden 1978 og er i dag leder af BBC Academy’s Investigation Support project.
Paul har arbejdet med flere af BBC’s mest anerkendte programmer som Panorama, Watchdog, Inside Out, BBC News, BBC Online, lokal og national radio og BBC World Service.
På Spadestikskonferencen vil han vise os, hvordan man kan researche dybt på Facebook, selvom nogle af de tidligere muligheder er lukket ned nu, og han vil i det hele taget give os konkrete tips og tricks til at finde nyttige informationer på internettet.
Paul has a career in computing and internet research and development that dates back to 1978
He joined the BBC in 1995 as an information researcher. As the internet grew in significance, Paul was able to blend his technical knowledge with the realities of his work in journalism. As a result, he was able to devise unique, innovative strategies that have led countless researchers to evidence they would never have otherwise found. His ideas continue to shape the way professionals conduct online research and investigation.
Paul currently heads up BBC Academy's Investigation Support project. This sees him work within programme teams, solving issues related to investigation, whilst sharing vital new skills with those he works with.
Aside from his consultancy work, Paul regularly delivers training in all the essential areas of digital and investigative work, from social media investigation to digital photography.